Book release and lecture at Skolforum in Stockholm October 27
After a theatre and writing process that started in 2006 at the Burgården school in Gothenburg, Jonas and five students suffering from school fatigue, along with researcher in pedagogics Martin Hugo, has written the textbook Att inspirera skoltrötta (Studentlitteratur). The book is aimed at teachers and politicians on how to work with and inspire students who are on the verge of dropping out of school. The conclusion is that teachers need to be committed and exciting. This is supported by academic research and by the students themselves. Most importantly, teachers need to really care about their students. Students who are tired of school are used to being considered lazy or crappy. They are used to adults not being bothered. Therefore you need apply other methods than what you’ve been taught at teacher’s colleges. You have to be confident enough to leave your role as a teacher and abandon the curriculum in order to gain their trust. You have to be a genuine, committed and exciting human being – which raises the question: how could we practice all that?
At Skolforum in Stockholm October 27 at 11.00, author and student Ariana Gecaj will give a lecture using her own experiences about what works and what doesn’t work in our schools today.
Read more at (in Swedish only).
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